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How to create a logotype?

woman creating a logotype

Everyone or at least most of the people have a short concept about what is a logotype. However, most people don’t have enough knowledge to create a logotype that really becomes successful. So, if you want to know how to create a logotype in a simple way, you need to get this information.

What do you need to create a logotype?

Nobody wants that theirs mark or new entrepreneurship becomes in a fraud that just brings disappointment after the other. To make your logo captivate the essence of the thing that you want to do, it’s important to know some things.

1. Learn about your mark

To captivate that essence that you are looking so much, there is no nothing better than meeting your own entrepreneurship. Possibly it sounds a bit silly, but it is necessary to ask in depth, what do we need to be successful? Questions like who is my competition?, what is my target audience?, what is my mission?, and, what is my vision?

2. Knows your competition

Exactly, this question is one of the most important, because if you know your competition. You have the enough proficiency to stand out among them, which is one of the necessary things to know how to create a logotype that makes the difference.

How to design the logotype?

There is not a perfect way to get inspiration, but to design a logotype it is vital, for example, there are websites like Pinterest where you can get inspiration taking others designs into account. In this way, it is easier to know how to create a unique logotype.

papels with many logotypes

At the same time, also is true that it is not all that we need to begin to create our logotype. It is essential that we choose if it makes by ourselves with a program, which is the recommended way to make a successful logotype, or create our logotype with some websites, for example:

  1. Canvas
  2. Tailor Brands
  3. Free logo maker
  4. Photoshop

The problem with these websites is that they don’t follow the essential aspects that a logotype needs. These aspects are that the logotype must be unique, memorable, scalable, simple, readable and reproducible.

What type of logotype do you want?

Knowing how to create a logo is most simple, if you know what kind of logo you want, of course that it also must be synchronized with your area. For example, there are:

  • Isotype: this is a logo as a symbol or icon,
  • Logotype: such as Coca-Cola’s logo, that is just the typographic,
  • Imagotype: it’s a union of both but separated,
  • Isologo: that is the union of both, but all in one.

If I don’t have enough time…

It is true that not everyone has the enough time to learn how to create a logotype in a program like illustrator, but if you can, take a chance with the websites mentioned above. Just try that this logo can be the unique possible.


Always try to do the things like a professional, because this makes your mark different. It’s vital that you know how to create a logotype, because the logo is the image, the face of your brand, is the way with which the people can recognize you.

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